Aug 1, 2024
We showed a great rise in the ISO Second 500-2023 List.

As YILDIZ PUL (VADEN ORIGINAL), we ranked 37th in the ISO Second 500-2023 research conducted annually by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), rising 142 places compared to the previous year in sales from production.

This important success is a result of our company's continuous growth and innovation strategy. As YILDIZ PUL (VADEN ORIGINAL), we are happy to have proven our strong position and competitive power in the sector once again.

We would like to thank all our employees, business partners and valuable customers who made our success possible. We have full confidence that we will continue our work with the same momentum in the future and achieve greater successes. This success is an indication that YILDIZ PUL is taking firm steps towards becoming a leading player in its sector.

Our goal is to take this success even further, to be on the ISO Top 500 list and to reinforce our leading position in our sector. As YILDIZ PUL (VADEN ORIGINAL), we are determined to continue our leading role in our sector by further increasing our production capacity, quality standards and the importance we give to customer satisfaction. We would like to thank all our stakeholders who supported us in this process and state that we are eagerly waiting to share our new successes with you.

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