The R&D studies we have carried out as Vaden Original, our company entered the R&D 250 list in 2021 from 196th place in the “Turkey's Most R&D Spending Companies” survey and rose to 85th place in 2022. In addition, according to OSBÜK data, it ranked 10th among the companies that increased their R&D expenditures the most in OIZs. According to 2023 TIM data, it ranked 448th in the top 1000 in export ranking.
By bringing together experience and technology, we develop both new products and the test devices and mechanisms of the products we produce. We subject our products to life testing and end-of-line one hundred percent testing at the final stage. We use the data obtained in our test and trial center to achieve minimum error, maximum efficiency and maximum performance in the product development process.
We are very pleased to grow steadily and decisively with R&D and to provide qualified added value to our country. Therefore, we say: Always Forward.