Aug 2, 2024
Vaden on ISO's Biggest List

Konya-based Yıldız Pul-Vaden, one of Turkey's largest automotive spare parts manufacturers, ranked 37th in the ISO Second 500 list, up 142 places from the previous year.


Yıldız Pul Vaden, one of Turkey's largest automotive spare parts manufacturers, drew attention with its rise in the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) Second 500 list announced the previous day. Yıldız Pul Vaden rose 142 places compared to the previous year and ranked 37th.

Yıldız Pul, whose sales figure from production was 2 billion 771 million 754 thousand TL, attracted attention with its rise. Yıldız Stamp was ranked 448th among the most exporting companies of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) with 65 million dollars of exports.


Making statements about the ISO 500 figures, Yıldız Stamp Vaden Chairman Seyit Acar emphasized that they will continue to grow by producing.

Acar said, "As Yıldız Stamp, we are growing stronger every year. This is also reflected in these figures. Our rankings in Turkey's most prestigious surveys are rising. In the list of Turkey's second largest 500 organizations announced the day before yesterday, we rose 142 places compared to the previous year and ranked 37th. This is a great pride for us. We will continue to grow with our number of employees exceeding 1400 and our production areas exceeding 100 thousand square meters. We fly our flag in more than 100 countries in exports. We are expanding our R&D center every year. Our new factory and technology investments continue uninterruptedly."


Underlining that they will continue their rise in the list of giants with stable growth, Seyit Acar said, "God willing, we will continue to crown our success in production and exports with numbers. Our goal is to be in the top 500 next year. I would like to thank everyone who did not leave us alone in this process and shared our joy. We will continue to be the pride of our city and our country."

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